Strong is the New Beautiful


She doesn't fit your definitions of 'pretty',
She defies the norms, 
She speaks her mind, 
She doesn't await your approval.

No, not a cascade of hair down her back. 
No, not fair complexion. 
No, not cherry lips.
No, not a saccharine mouth.
No, not an hour-glass figure.

For her scars, for her pain,
For her growth, for her change,
For her vulnerabilities, for her doubts,
For her failures, for her success,
For her smiles, for her sniffles,
For her sweat, for her fatigue.
For her flaws, for her shortcomings.

Through the stares, through the criticism, 
Through her bondage, through her freedom,
Through her longings, through her fulfillment,
Through the hate, through the love. 

She is beautiful!

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