The break I needed so bad


It had been quite sometime, I was feeling too much stuck in the mundane of college life. Daily assignments, tests and no time for the self. I had reached a point where I found joy in nothing. Off-late, a strange kind of longing encapsulated me, no group of friends, no jokes, no social media drew my interest. I found myself just too busy the whole day, and in the end of the day, too tired to think beyond the stereotypical source of entertainment: social media....but then scrolling through these only left me feeling more dumb and bored. Then I finally decided...this was it. I needed a break. 

I couldn't keep saying myself that I don't have time. I just had to 'make' time for the right things. I at once realized that it is painting that I can find true solace in and what could put an end to this undefined longing in me. My phone was just a killer of time and only made me feel worse. I put my phone in flight-mode and found the break I was craving for in the blend of my acrylics and the strokes of my brush. 

This is what I did...nothing much, neither did it take much time...twenty minutes may be...but it washed off the weariness of mine, gathered over many-a hectic weeks....

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  1. You made good use of my sheet. Proud of you sweety :)

    1. I am so grateful you gave sheets that day! Thank you so much yar. you are love!

  2. This picture reminded me of classic Bengali literature.

  3. does the bird like the fruit? its looking at elsewhere.
    joking. great work.


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