"Why did you have to smear
A dollop of truth
On my day-dream-tinted eyes?"
I was about to ask,

But then I fell in love
With your flawed reality.

I wore your pitch black darkness
As Kohl to my eyes,

And your name
As a smile on my lips.

How do you find
Melody in that so untuned,
Company in the deserted,
Meaning in the bewildered,
Warmth in the now dead fire,
Growth in the stunted?
How do you quench the thirst of the parched?
How do you be the wind to the broken wings?


In a chaos of words
In the commotion,
In the midst
Of a false definition,
My myopic vision
Could not see,
Your untouched white
Replete in beauty.
I refused to believe,
I failed to listen,
To mend my soul and faith
Quite broken.
Your world called,
Hard to hear
Somewhere you lay silent,
Letting out your aura
I reached out,
Transcending my fear,
You let me in,
Your sphere.
Your world of vacancy,
Thus fulfilled me.
I wonder how!
In your absence of words,
You set me free.

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